2024 Film Competition

The Ann Arbor Polish Film Festival is pleased to reveal the lineup of short films and documentaries selected for the upcoming 31st Festival. The winners will be announced at the Michigan Theater on October 31st at 6:30 pm.

A jeśli jutro wojna się skończy/What If the War Ends Tomorrow, dir. Martyna Wojciechowska, Hanna Jewsiewicka
Ballada Kyczajewska/Ballad of Kychiev, dir. Piotr Kamiński
Droga do piekła/Highway to hell, dir. Filip Folczak
Gorzko/A Cappella, dir. Marcin Kluczykowski
KUBA/KUBA, dir. Marcin Strauchold
Metaliczny posmak/Metallic Taste, dir. Ivan Krupenikov
Twarze Agaty/Faces of Agata, dir. Małgorzata Kozera


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